Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy & Counselling in Hackney

Child and adolescent psychotherapy is a way of helping a child or young person to make sense of sad, angry, painful or confusing thoughts and feelings. Putting feelings into words can sometimes be hard for a child.

I understand how to work with children to get beneath words using art, play and sand tray therapy to support the expression of feelings when it is hard to find the words or is difficult to talk about.





Children and young people who experience emotional and mental health problems struggle to cope alone, which leaves them with feelings that might be confusing and overwhelming.


They might be anxious and/or struggle:

  • to sleep
  • to separate from parents
  • to go to school
  • to cope during times of transition and change
  • at school with friendships
  • with bullying
  • with academic work
  • with illness
  • with bereavement
  • with parental discord, divorce, or a job loss;


Consequently, they may respond to people and situations in ways that they do not understand and cannot control.


Their emotions can be extreme and powerful and are often expressed through their behaviour and in problematic relationships.


I offer them safe, confidential and consistent space to be free who they are and explore what it is that bothers them. As the trust develops, they feel understood and accepted, and subsequently begin to express their emotions in less disturbed ways, allowing their normal process of child development to resume.


Adolescence can lead to additional challenges. The transition from childhood to adulthood can be confusing, annoying and scary; it can feel like no one understands.


I help young people put feelings into words rather than actions, so they  can gradually make sense of their experience and develop their own individuality and potential. They are likely to feel less anxious, more able to learn and better equipped to sustain friendships. It can also improve the quality of life within the family or in relationships with carers and professionals.



*Please note that when I am seeing a child or a young person, their parent/ carer is asked to wait in the waiting area unless the young person is old enough to attend the therapy by themselves.